Naruto: "You send him?"
Sai and Sakura look at Naruto.
Tsunade: "That's right"
Naruto: "Why did you allowed something like this! Why did you let him went to that dangerous place alone..."
Kakashi: "Stop it Naruto. You don't understand what Fifth already feel..."
Tsunades flashback
Naruto: "Damn!"
Sakura: "Naruto! Where are you going?!"
*naruto whining* Naruto goes outside
Kakashi apologies before frogs, but frog says he likes Naruto and thinks he's child of prophecy.
Naruto walks and remember Jiraiya.
"Hey, Naruto!"
Naruto: "!"
Iruka sensei appears and invite Naruto to ramen ()
Naruto: "No..." ()
Naruto's house at night.
He decides to walk outside.
He sees people seating on bench eating ice-cream. It melts.
Naruto falls down in tears.
Comes Iruka-sensei.
Jiraiya recognized you as exelent pupil... bla-bla
Next day Tsunade ask Shikamaru to decipher code.
Then Tsunade remembers how she met Jiraiya for the first time, and start to cry "Idiot..."
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